02 mei 2011

Invitation Fearless Songs: 22 May-10 July

(English below)
(klik op de afbeelding om te vergroten)

I have the pleasure of inviting you to my first duo exhibition Fearless SongsIn which I will be showing 20 framed drawings next to a few bigger works, next to sculptures of Nicole Linders
Opening: 22nd May, 2pm with introduction in Dutch by art historian Rebecca Nelemans
Open until 10th July.
De Verdieping, Gemeentehuis, Meiveld 1, Veldhoven (NL). 
Open: Mo-Fri: 9.00-17.00, Tue extra late: until 19.00.
If you have visited Fearless Songs and are interested in our works, you can contact us via mail (info@grietmenschaert.be). There will be no one in the space to address.